藍 菁(LAN, Jing)氏
中国 南京農業大学 教授
Aversion to “Bads” and Neglect of “Goods”: Effect of Enhanced Public Environmental Awareness on Housing Prices
This study investigates the influence of the increased public environmental awareness on housing prices in Shanghai, using data on second-hand housing transactions and industrial pollution sources. To estimate this impact, we adopt a regression discontinuity design and exploit the “environmentally sensitive” period as a quasi-natural experiment when public environmental awareness experienced a notable boost due to the whole society’s heightened recognition of the importance of environmental protection. Our results indicate that, after controlling for the effects of other neighborhood amenities and disamenities, the enhanced public environmental awareness leads to a differentiation in housing prices based on environmental quality. Specifically, the increase in public environmental awareness has a significant negative impact on housing prices near industrial pollution sources (i.e., areas with poorer environmental quality), but the impact on housing prices further away from industrial pollution sources (i.e., areas with better environmental quality) is not significant. This impact is observed within a distance threshold of 0.5 kilometers, suggesting that the increase in societal environmental consciousness generates a loss sensitivity effect among the public towards environmental products. This reveals the true attitude of the public towards environmental products and services, as represented by monetary value, which is to avoid pollution but not willing to pay for a better environment.
中国・南京農業大学教授。2013年に政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS)より博士号(公共経済学)を取得し、2014年4月から中国の南京農業大学にて准教授として務める。専門は環境経済学・資源経済学分野での政策分析。中国環境保護部の国家自然科学基金委員会やビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)が助成する主要研究プロジェクトに代表研究者や共同研究者として幾度か関わり、農業における貧困緩和や農地譲渡、社会ネットワークに関する研究を行った。これまでにEnvironmental and Resource EconomicsやWorld Development、Land Use Policy、Resources and Energy Economics、Journal of Environmental Managementなどの学術雑誌で 50以上の論文が掲載され、そのうち30本はSSCI・SCIに掲載、3本が高被引用ESI(Essential Science Indicators)論文である。学生の成長にも尽力しており、江蘇省政府のQing Lan Project(青藍工程)のOutstanding Young Backbone Teacher賞や南京農業大学のAcademic New Talents賞などを受賞してきた。
申込方法① 電子申請
申込方法② メール申込み