ヨルン・ドッシュ(Joern DOSCH) 氏
ドイツ・ロストック大学 International Politics and Development Cooperation 教授・学科長、Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences 学部長
The interests and role of the European Union in East Asia
Since about 2021, the European Union has become more assertive in its relations with East Asia. The EU has increasingly emphasised its norms and values as guiding principles in both bilateral and multilateral engagements. The EU’s Asia-Pacific strategy is one of the most ambitious regional papers in this new approach, aiming to “reinforce the legitimacy of the EU in the Asia-Pacific as a value-based global actor (democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality, multilateralism, good governance) and standard-setter.” With the current international order challenged by the war in Ukraine and other flashpoints, the EU-Japan strategic partnership has become more significant in defending rules-based international relations. Additionally, the EU now formally considers China a “strategic rival”. The EU’s “Global Gateway” programme – a EUR 300 billion initiative to meet global infrastructure development needs – is widely seen as a response to the Belt & Road Initiative. How successful has the EU been in boosting its role and status in East Asia, and what challenges lie ahead?
ドイツ・ロストック大学International Politics and Development Cooperation教授、Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences学科長。過去にはヨハネス・グーテンベルク大学マインツ(ドイツ)、スタンフォード大学(アメリカ)、リーズ大学(イギリス)、モナシュ大学(マレーシア)で勤務。アジア太平洋地域の政治学及び国際関係学を専門とし、これらの分野において150以上の著書を有する。EUや一部のEU加盟国政府のコンサルタントとしての役割も果たしている。
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