北九州市大手町ビル6階 アジア成長研究所 会議室
資料・発表 ともに英語
田中 万理(TANAKA Mari)スタンフォード大学大学院経済学研究科 博士後期課程
「Exporting Sweatshops? Evidence from Myanmar」
There is a long-standing debate over the impact of global trade on workers and firms in developing countries. In this paper I investigate the causal effect of exporting on working conditions and firm performance in Myanmar. This analysis draws on a new survey I conducted on Myanmar manufacturing firms from 2013 to 2015. I use the rapid opening of Myanmar to foreign trade after 2011 alongside identification strategies that exploit product, geographic and industry variations to obtain causal estimates of the impact of trade. I find that exporting has large positive impacts on working conditions in terms of improved fire safety, health-care, union recognition, and wages. My results also indicate that exporting increases firm sales, employment,management practice scores, and the likelihood of receiving a labor audit.