アジア成長研究所 6階 会議室
(北九州市小倉北区大手町11-4 北九州市大手町ビル「ムーブ」6F)
資料・発表 ともに英語
張 震(ZHANG Zhen) 復旦大学人口研究所 准教授
「Differences in life expectancy between household and non-household populations in Shanghai 2000-2010」
The household population in Shanghai has enjoyed steady increments in life expectancy (LE) since opening-up reform, and in 2014 it reached 82.29 years, which were into the level of developed countries. However, there is less study on the LE of non-registered household po9uplation who consists of 40% of the resident population in Shanghai. With death register data of non-household population provided by SHCDC, this paper estimates age-specific mortality for non-registered household population. Because non-household population mainly of working-age population, it examines the partial LE for the group 15-59 especially. The results show that differences in the children mortality were not significant, while the mortality of working-aged population of non-household population had advantages of partial LE over there registered household counterpart in both sexes, which were 0.16 year for females and 0.27-0.36 year for males among the group 15-59, respectively. Finally, the study summarizes the causes of these advantages and some policy implications as well.