アジア成長研究所 6階 会議室
(北九州市小倉北区大手町11-4 北九州市大手町ビル「ムーブ」6F)
資料・発表 ともに英語
Niny KHOR アジア開発銀行北京事務所 エコノミスト
『Labor Force and Human Capital Stock in the People’s Republic of China』
Accumulation of human capital is indispensable to spur economic growth. In this paper, we benchmark human capital accumulation in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as it progresses from low to high income country status. We calculate the share of the labor force that has attained at least some upper secondary schooling (upper secondary attainment) and benchmark these educational attainment rates against the rates of the labor forces in other countries. Using the Sixth Population Census data, we show that despite recent advances, human capital accumulation in the PRC is still very low. In 2010 only 24% of China’s entire labor force (individuals 25-64 years of age) had ever attended upper secondary school. This rate is less than one-third of the average upper secondary attainment rate in OECD countries. PRC’s overall upper secondary attainment rate and the attainment rate of its youngest workers (25-34 year old workers) is also the lowest of all the BRICS countries (with the exception of India for which data were not available).