2015年11月10日(火) 15:45~17:15
アジア成長研究所 6階 会議室
(北九州市小倉北区大手町11-4 北九州市大手町ビル「ムーブ」6階)
資料・発表 ともに英語
発表者:新見 陽子 主任研究員
テーマ:The “Costs” of Informal Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Elderly Care on Caregivers’ Subjective Well-being in Japan
要旨:This paper examines the impact of providing informal care to elderly parents on caregiviers’ subjective well-being using unique data from the “Preference Parameters Study” of Osaka University, a nationally representative survey conducted in Japan. The estimation results indicate heterogeneous effects: while informal elderly care does not have a significant impact on the happiness level of married caregivers regardless of whether they take care of their own parents or parents-in law and whether they reside with them, it has a negative and significant impact on the happiness level of caregivers who are not married and do not reside with their parents. These findings shed light on the important role that formal care services could play in reducing the burden on caregivers, particularly single caregivers who presumably receive less help from family members.